Solomon 1 Liter Beta-cyfluthrin, Bayer

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Rs.3285 | Rs.2400 27% off
Bayer CropScience Limited

Note: Bulk discount price ₹2380 apply on buy more than 10 item

Product Description

Technical Name Imidacloprid 19.81% + Beta-cyfluthrin 8.49% OD
Dose/Acre 250 ML / Acre
Target Pests / Insects Brinjal (Aphids, jassid, shoot and fruit borer), Soyabean (Girdle Beetle and semi looper)
Major Crops Brinjal, Soyabean
Action Mode Systemic and Contact action
Company Name Bayer CropScience Limited

What is Solomon Insecticide

In a unique formulations of oil dispersion, Solomon contains time-tested imidacloprid and beta-cyfluthrin. The systemic and contact characteristics are combined to produce rapid knock down and anti-food actions. Therefore, it is a large chunk of insecticide used to suck and bite pests. The O-TEQ (patent-protected) oil distribution provides better rain speed, optimal storage and penetration.


Mode of Action

This compound belongs to the synthetic pyrethroid group of insecticides. By touching and ingesting, the pesticide Beta-Cyfluthrin is working. The compound operates on the insects' nervous system by interfering with sodium channels. The first evident indications of intoxication are rapid excitation and deterioration of coordination, which leads to knockdown and death. Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the central nervous system are antagonized by imidacloprid. Excessive signal transmission interferes with the nerve cell's normal signal transmission pathway, resulting in excitation. The result is that a neurological system dysfunction takes place, which ultimately results in the death of the treated insect.

Imidacloprid classification No. 4A; Beta-Cyfluthrin classification No. 3A.


  • This item possesses systemic and infected area, which results in a fast knockdown and an anti-feeding effect.
  • This is well-suited for applications with modest total volume and can reach broad-spectrum insect control with an action on all insect stages.
  • To have greater rain fastness, optimum retention, and penetration, an oil dispersion based on O-TEQ formulation (patent protected) is used.

Focused Pests and Crops


Focused Pests


Aphids, jassid, shoot and fruit borer)


Girdle Beetle and semilooper


  • Dose per Acre will be 250 ML is necessary.
  • Dose in pump should be 25ML per 15 Liters water.





  • Alan Mani

    Alan Mani

    Verified Buyer
    • 5

    good Quality

  • medisetty Musalayya

    medisetty Musalayya

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    • 5


  • lakshmanan


    Verified Buyer
    • 5

    low prices, good quality